The project

Gallery Sweet Gallery OUTDOOR is a cultural project aimed at proposing exhibitions of contemporary art open air, in a natural environment that has gradually defined itself over time and is constantly undergoing physical changes. The outdoor space will be no mere background for artworks, rather it will be part of artistic creations, to various extent. Gallery Sweet Gallery OUTDOOR is the en plein air equivalent of the original idea of a gallery set in the domestic and intimate space of a private house. A unique way of living art in two different, equally beloved, environments.

In the park of Gallery Sweet Gallery OUTDOOR we propose a selection of artworks. Exhibiting artworks in a context strongly defined by the character of the setting, and by the relationship between the artistic object and the setting itself, permits to involve the observer in a very straightforward, non verbal manner.

The project includes two parallel sections, for a total duration of three-four weeks, and takes place biennially in may-june, starting from 2015. An artist is invited to exhibit a site-specific creation of sustainable art. In parallel, a contest is organized for original artworks conceived or constructed with organic and/or non organic natural materials in any state of matter (solid, liquid, gas) or with recovery materials. An optimal interaction between artworks and the environment is one of the main evaluation criteria for choosing a winner. The jury has five members: two curators, a collector, a gallerist and a citizen from Mariano selected by drawing. The contest is arranged as a travelling exhibition. Artworks will have much more visibility, and will also contribute to the establishment of a lively cultural network, if they are exhibited in indoor or outdoor venues managed by institutions and associations interested in artistic themes and productions.